Title: Seven Cemeteries (2024) – A Darkly Entertaining Horror-Western

1. Plot Overview

Set in the rugged American Southwest, the film follows Santana Bravo (Danny Trejo), a recently paroled ex-gang leader. He enlists the help of a Mexican witch to resurrect his old crew, transforming them into an undead army to protect a ranch from a vengeful drug lord. This blend of horror, action, and dark humor offers a unique twist on the classic revenge tale.

2. Direction & Writing

Directed by John Gulager (Feast, Piranha 3DD), the film draws inspiration from Seven Samurai but with a comedic-horror spin. Joel Soisson’s writing brings eccentric characters and a mix of gritty tension and irreverent moments.

3. Performances

·         Danny Trejo commands the screen as Santana, balancing grit and charisma.

·         Maria Canals-Barrera shines as the enigmatic witch, adding depth and mysticism.

·         Supporting roles by Efren Ramirez and Lew Temple bring humor and emotional resonance.

4. Visuals & Effects

The film skillfully combines practical effects with CGI, though some scenes lean heavily on digital blood, detracting slightly from its impact. The desert setting enhances the atmosphere, creating a perfect backdrop for supernatural confrontations.

5. Soundtrack

The score complements the film’s tone, with eerie and high-energy themes underscoring pivotal moments.

6. Verdict

Seven Cemeteries offers a fun, campy ride through a hybrid genre. While it may not appeal to purists of horror or Westerns, it carves its niche with creativity and an engaging ensemble cast.

Rating: ★★★☆☆ (3/5)